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You've successfully joined the 0612 Fit Club

What happens next?

You will shortly receive an email confirming you have applied successfully. In this email we will let you know what happens after this. Please check your spam & junk email for our confirmation email if it is not in your inbox.


Please also add us to your trusted senders or contacts list so our emails are not lost or automatically filtered by your mailbox settings. It is important you receive all updates and announcements as well as other communications from your coach throughout your journey with us.


Yes! We will also call you...

As part of the registration process you will receive a welcome phone call sometime in the next 24-48 hours. During this call you will tell us about yourself & what your personal health & fitness goals are. We will also tell you about us, what we do and how we believe we can help you. If you miss our call don't worry, we'll leave a voicemail.


Please take a moment to check out all our "Upcoming Events" and think about which event you would like to take part in. We look forward to having you with us & seeing you at a training session soon.

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